Brooke Baker
BASc Drama and Theatre & Molecular Biology
BLUE Fellow (Residency)
Researching brain variances, evolutionary advantages, and artistic career inclinations in dyslexia
BLUE Fellow (Residency)


I am a 4th-year student in the joint Bachelor of Arts & Science program majoring in Molecular Biology and Drama & Theatre. Despite having been diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age, I have never been formally taught about it in an academic setting. Through my project, I will be exploring how a dyslexic individual's brain compares to a neurotypical brain and if there are any evolutionary benefits to being dyslexic that could aid the general population. Additionally, I also plan to research why there is a high prevalence of dyslexic people pursuing artistic careers, especially those involving acting. I hope my project will be able to educate others about what life is like with dyslexia and how dyslexic thinkers can develop innovative solutions to a given challenge.

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