Elena Frie
BSc Earth System Science
BLUE Fellow
Documenting "textures of everyday life" in Montreal via ethnographic film
BLUE Fellow


My project aims to draw on the fundamental principles of ethnography to produce short videos that capture the "texture of everyday life" here in Montreal, and in future, elsewhere. Having discovered Anthropology late in my studies, I was struck by the capacity that deliberate attention to minutiae has for communicating the intangible feeling of a place and the people that fill it. In an era where we are increasingly connected, fears and assumptions about cultures that are not our own persist. Thus, at B21, I wish to explore the potential for slow video to communicate the culturally situated human experience, in an effort to counter the superficial, fast-paced impressions of other cultures that we consume in contemporary media. I believe that the tools of ethnography have a role to play outside of academic writing and the walls of the Anthropology classroom. My hope is to use these tools here to capture the beauty that is always present within daily life.

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