Simon Giustini
BA Economics & Political Science
Community Scholar
A hypothetical model for a more artistic society
Community Scholar
Fall + Winter


As a student of politics and economics and a lifelong musician, the importance of art has always had a strong place in my heart. Art as a whole has the ability to benefit society in both very direct and indirect ways. As people and as a society we look to innovate both in the world around us and in our own lives. Since innovation requires creativity and creativity requires inspiration, more art in our world makes us happier, and more productive. At building 21 my current project is a hypothetical model of a new system of artistic governance that would be able to boost both the creation and distribution of more art and more new art to a nation, hopefully if done right, improving that nations wellbeing.

Iteration 1: A New Government Model For A More Artistic Society

A New Government Model For A More Artistic Society (2025)

The model shown above is a first draft of what a hypothetical new government organization could do to reorganize society in a way that better promotes the arts. This promotion I believe would lead to a happier and more creative society and would at least partially pay for itself though the boost in GDP that we can associate with a more innovative society. This model separates the issue of boosting a countries creativity into a distribution and creation problem separately. On the creation side the government would build new community centres with the purpose of supplying its citizens with the materials they need to create more art, for free. On the distribution side the Government would create new artistic platforms to help meet the demand that comes with this increase in the supply of art. This is still a working draft but also a potential solution to the market domination we see over art today.

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