Building 21

Thinking beyond the acknowledged,

the recognized and the comfortable

“The things that are weird are exactly the things you need to be paying attention to.

They tell you that your model of the world is incomplete in important ways.

You have to treasure the exceptions.”

Mike Levin, Tufts University


Who are we?

A student at Building 21

Building 21 is a community of explorers. We ask questions, unusual, original and sometimes far-fetched questions. We look for unknown continents of ideas, concepts and designs where we can explore the unusual, the interesting, the unacknowledged.  

Hand pointing at notes on whiteboard

We look for things, approaches and concepts that are unique, creative, exceptional.

Student wearing experimental goggles

Building 21 is not focused on results but on the process of exploration. In Building 21 we search for the accelerator effect of intertwining completely different disciplines. What new paths can we discover from using philosophy to solve a physics problem, from asking how health care and music are complementary, from using chemistry to wonder if free will exists? 


an unconventional space for unconventional ideas

Students at Building 21 with instruments watching something out of frame


651 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC, H3A 1E3
Open 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday

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